Saturday, May 2, 2009


Well, I know it has been a while since we have updated this blog.  We do have a good reason though.  Nate and I are expecting our second baby in October!  We found out this week that Hudson will have a little sister and Nate and I are thrilled!!  I know Hudson is going to be a great big brother.  Anyways, since I am normally the one that updates the blog and I have not been feeling very well, we are a little behind.  We will try to catch you up a bit.  

Hudson is now 2!  Time has just flown by.  He can now speak in complete sentences at times, his favorite word is now "No!"(love the age 2), he loves to sing the Happy Birthday Song and his ABC's, he loves to play basketball--he gets up in the morning and says " momma, daddy, basketball", and he is looking more and more like a little boy!  He is so much fun to be around and Nate and I can't wait till this summer!  We are going to have so much fun!!!

Well, we have some pictures of things we have been doing in the past couple of month.  We went to the Galveston County Fair and Rodeo, dyed Easter eggs with Nana and Pappy, had a swim party with friends, and celebrated Hudson 2nd birthday twice!  We have been busy--Enjoy!

The Fair
Excited to see the goats--thanks Uncle Trev!  He was trying to climb up the fence to get in the cage with them!
He is such an animal lover.  This is the petting zoo at the fair.  There was a camel and a zebra here too!!

He is all boy!
Turn your back for two minutes...
I'm raising a cat!

He loved dyeing Easter eggs.  He kept saying "Wow, cool!"
He stated to throw the eggs in the cups--we were trying to show him how to gently place the eggs in there.  Boys really don't do anything gently!! :)

Pool Party!!!

Hudson's party!  
We did a Kung Fu Panda--this is his favorite movie!
SO excited to have a basketball goal!
This is my favorite picture--he just saw the basketball goal that my sister and Steve got him.  He is saying "WOW, COOL!!"  He was so excited and it was the funniest thing I have ever seen!! :)

Well, we just got Hudson's 2 year pictures taken today, so hopefully we will have those up on our blog for you soon!  That was a fun time--getting a 2 year old to do what YOU want them to do is always fun!!!

1 comment:

Nick, Krista, Carson and Clay said...

He is so adorable!!! Congratulations on the little girl!! I love seeing the pictures :)