Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mr. Independent!

Well, Hudson is now officially two!  I wouldn't say the the twos are terrible because he really is quite fun to be around and interact with.  The only thing is he's a bit more independent.  He now likes to get in his booster seat by himself, put his clothes on(which can be quite comical) by himself, comb his own hair,  brush his teeth by himself and many other things.  The funniest one is he likes to get his own shoes!  Now depending on the day you can usually distract him and go and get the "right" shoes, but some days it just is not worth the battle.  How bad can it be you ask, well his favorite pair of shoes are his Elmo slippers!!!  So, if you see us in the grocery store, at church or anywhere else and Hudson has his slippers on don't judge us just know that it wasn't a battle we wanted to fight that day!  :)

Here are the infamous shoes!

It didn't bother him that it was 90 degrees that day!

Not really the ideal basketball sneaker, but he could care less.
You can't help but laugh and smile at this boy!


Sue Holtvluwer said...

What a ham!! He looks adorable in whatever he wears, course I am a little partial, since I am the grandma!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THAT!!! Marlie went to church in bright yellow crocs the other Sunday--totally feel your pain!